CBT in Reston, Virginia

You’ve tried to manage fear and excessive stress, but nothing is working.

Maybe you’ve had some challenges with managing your anxiety, work life balance, or relationships. You have tried to address things on your own, but you need more help.

you’re still feeling…

Tired of overthinking negative thoughts

Self doubt daily

Overwhelmed, irritable, tired

CBT can help you identify how to challenge negative thoughts and develop coping skills.

CBT teaches skills to transform your approach to stress, work life balance, and healthy professional and personal relationships.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy uses cognitive restructuring to empower individuals to develop skills to resolve complex issues. CBT focuses on thought patterns and core beliefs, and replacing unhealthy coping skills with constructive helpful skills.

  • CBT offers practical and effective strategies for managing symptoms of various mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Through challenging negative thought patterns, developing adaptive coping skills, CBT can promote symptom relief and improved quality of life.

  • In my practice, CBT is integrated into other modalities that I use each session. CBT pairs well with DBT skills and EMDR. As a standalone intervention, it is well received by those exclusively seeking traditional talk therapy.

Is CBT right for you?

CBT is a good fit for you if you…

  • Have experienced challenges negative thinking

  • Are struggling with feeling stuck

  • Want to think and feel differently about your circumstances

  • Want to examine past behaviors and develop a plan for change

What we’ll work on

With CBT, you can…

Develop alternative, more adaptive thoughts or beliefs to replace the negative ones

Learn how to develop positive affirmations

Practice coping skills to manage stress, anxiety, depression, and other emotional difficulties

Understand the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

Your story is welcome here.

Your story is welcome here.



  • CBT focuses on identifying intrusive thoughts that are creating challenges in your life and completing exercises that address stuck points. DBT, while rooted in CBT, incorporates mindfulness and acceptance techniques to help process intense emotions and interpersonal relationships.

  • CBT focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors while building healthier coping skills. EMDR involves guided eye movements, tapping, and sounds to help process and decrease distress in relation to traumatic memories.