go beyond traditional talk therapy.

EMDR therapy in Reston, Virginia

You’ve tried everything you can think of to feel better, but nothing’s sticking.

Maybe you’ve been to therapy before, but the timing, connection, and circumstances made it challenging to see any noticeable change.

you’re still feeling…

Frustrated by the lack of progress

Disconnected from your family, friends, support network

Overwhelmed by fear and anxiety of what the future holds

EMDR therapy can help you identify the root of problem.

EMDR helps lessen the distress about traumatic memories

  • EMDR involves selecting a specific memory related to the target issue or trauma that serves as a focal point for the therapeutic work. This, touchstone memory, is often chosen based on its emotional intensity, relevance to current symptoms, and potential for facilitating processing and healing. The purpose of identifying a touchstone memory is to provide a concentrated focus for the EMDR process, allowing you to access and reprocess underlying emotions, beliefs, and sensations associated with the target issue. By targeting a specific memory, you can more effectively address the core elements contributing to distress and work towards resolution and healing.

  • First, we examine the concerns that are creating challenges in your life. Then, we develop a personalized plan that will be most effective for you. Through our EMDR resourcing work together, you will be equipped with the skills and confidence you need to begin the reprocessing past memories.

  • EMDR is an evidenced based treatment that is proven to have a lasting effect. Resourcing, desensitization, and reprocessing traumatic events can help you to engage in activities that boost can increase insight, boost self-esteem, and navigate relationships in a healthier way.

At the end of the day, I want you to know:

Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, change is possible.

Is EMDR right for you?

EMDR is a good fit for you if you…

  • Have experienced a difficult life experience that is disrupting your life

  • Are struggling with the impacts of childhood abuse, neglect, disconnection from a caregiver

  • Notice patterns in your relationships that are causing you to feel distant from your loved ones

  • Feel stuck, even though you have tried different ways to cope with stressors

What we’ll work on

With EMDR, you can…

Improve your tolerance to day to day triggers

Learn resources to self-soothe in a healthy way

No longer feel like trauma, depression, and anxiety are unmanagable

Process and accept what is within and outside of your control

Your story is welcome here.

Your story is welcome here.



  • The pace of working on the target and the length of time in session are the main differences. Weekly therapy sessions are 53-55 minutes. Intensive sessions range between 90 mins-3 hour sessions over the course of several days. Therapy intensives allow for more time at a rapid pace for reprocessing a traumatic event. One target is generally selected per therapy intensive.

  • Talk therapy primarily focuses on verbal communication between the you and the therapist to explore thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, often focusing on insight and understanding. EMDR incorporates bilateral stimulation, tapping, and sounds to facilitate the reprocessing of traumatic memories at a neurological level, aiming to alleviate distressing memories.