Move past your past.

Trauma therapy in Reston, Virginia

Life can be stressful.

Starting therapy doesn’t have to be.

One of my specialties involves working with women who are the first in their families to start therapy. Many of the clients I work with have experienced intergenerational trauma, which is trauma that is passed down from generation to generation. Trauma can transcend through parenting & caregiving. It can make a major impact if left untreated. Childhood trauma, neglect, attachment issues, family dynamic concerns are all areas that I help women to explore and navigate. Trauma can lead to self-esteem issues, depression, anxiety, and sometimes physical health issues. Exploring childhood family patterns and their impact in therapy can help shape a stronger sense of self & healthier emotional connections in your life today.

Sound like you?

Struggling with feeling sad daily

Tired of feeling like you are constantly overwhelmed

Ready to stop having nightmares and flashbacks

Wishing that your relationship with others could improve

Here’s what we’ll do together

Therapy can help you.

It’s time to heal the wounds trauma has caused. It’s time to overcome anxiety, depression, and stress.

You may remember a time when feeling sad, anxious, and overwhelmed weren’t the “norm” … but those days feel like a distant memory. Don’t you wish you had the tools to change that?

You’ve come to the right place.

I’m Kelsey Wilson LCSW and I help women just like you: ones that have it within them to be feel better about themselves and their relationships, but just need the support to get there.

I help my clients find more confidence and fulfillment by equipping them with the tools they need to get back on track and operate from a place of clarity.


Trauma, depression, and anxiety are often stored in the body. In my practice, I provide psychoeducation on mental health & use EMDR and mindfulness techniques to focus on the somatic (body based) symptoms that women are experiencing to alleviate that pain and discomfort.

Holistic health is important and working with a therapist who understands that is key. I know that your circumstances are unique, so your treatment and steps we take will be geared towards your individual needs. Together we will explore your history and discuss action steps to work towards healing.

What we’ll work on

Imagine a life where…

  • Your relationships feel easier to navigate.

  • Work doesn’t feel as overwhelming and hard to manage.

  • You feel more connected to yourself and your loved ones.

  • Your past no longer has the same control over your emotional wellbeing.

Change is possible.

Change is possible.



  • How to navigate attachment wounds and fears that are a direct result of trauma. How to approach conflict resolution from a calm perspective. How to navigate emotion regulation, disappointment, guilt, & self-blame.